Thursday, January 15, 2009

1.Cyber squatting

It is a derogatory term used to describe the practice of registering and claiming rights over Internet domain names that are, arguably, not for the taking. For example , is not maintained by Microsoft, but by professional domain name holding operations that illegally profit through the misuse of Microsoft’s intellectual property.

2. Go to OPAC IIUM, find three books from Law, Human Science and Technology. Get the call numbers and ISBN numbers....


Title Local Remedies in International Law by C.F.Amerasinghe( ISBN 0949009792 , Call no d61k2315A94l )
Title Statistics for Lawyers by Michael O. Finkelstein ( ISBN 03879136X , Call no QA276. 12F499 )
Title Mass Media Law by Dan R. Pember ( ISBN 0697030199 , Call no D18 KD53P394 )


Title The Human Polity by Kay Lawson ( ISBN 0395824532 , Call no JA66L425H )
Title Human Resource Management Review [Serials] ( Greenwich , ISSN 1053-4822 , Call no j HF5549 2U5H918J )
Title Fundamental Laws of Human Behavior by Meyer ( ISBN 0415101654 , Call no BF199M613F )


Title Network Management Strategies by Stefano Robotti ( ISBN 092769553 , Call no TK5101 1R660N )
Title Informal Technology by Nancy D. Lane & Margaret E. Chisholm ( ISBN 0816119082 , Call no Z678. 9143L )
Title Libraries/ Technology and Information Market by Richard De Gennoro ( ISBN 0816118558 , Call no Z674.4D278 )

3. Explore Bro. Asmady blog and tell me at least three things you like about his blog....

First, his blog is very useful for the students because we can download notes and we can see our results.
Second, the color of the blog is very attractive and there is also “shout session”. You must log in to shout.
Third, the tabs are also attractive and there are lots of photos.

4. Name the URL for Kulliyah of ICT.

5.Go to CFS library, find 10 books that categorized under red spot collections..
1) Principles of Genetics (3rd edition) by D. Peter Sanustad & Michael J. Simmons
2) Experimental Organic Chemistry by Daniel R. Palleras
3) Fundamentals of College Algebra (11th edition) by Earl W. Swokowski & Jeffery A. Cole
4) Precalculus (7th edition) by Michanel Sullivan
5) Biology Concepts and Connections ( 3rd edition) by Neil A. Campell & Jane B.Reece
& Lawrence G. Mitchell
6) Introduction to Internet (7th edition)
7) Physical Chemistry by Thomas Engel & Philip Reid
8) Physics Contemporary College (3rd edition) by Dr. Edwin Janes & Dr. Richard Childers
9) Calculus (4th edition) by James Stewart
10) Introduction Statistics (5th edition) by Perm S. Mann